Program Sponsorship

Program Sponsorship

  • Design Feed – AIAS Table Sponsorship

    Design Feed

    Your sponsorship will allow up to 10 AIA-Student members to attend a Design Feed free of charge.  What student isn’t on a budget and doesn’t love a free meal?  Your firm will be acknowledged from the podium at the meeting.

    • Pairing of speaker/month will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
    $100.00 Read more
  • Design Feed Monthly Host

    Design Feed

    Your company will be the sponsor of one of our eight monthly lunch lectures, held the fourth Tuesday of that month at Jackson Terminal! You’ll have the chance to briefly speak about your company and distribute any swag you have!

    $2,000.00 Add to cart
  • Tri-Cities Tech Session – Host Sponsor

    Program Sponsorship

    Your company will sponsor one of our eight monthly Tri-Cities Tech Sessions. Lunch is included for you and up to two associates. You may bring a display, put information on the table, and showcase your products. The Sessions are the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

    $250.00 Add to cart
  • Emerging Professionals Social Hour Sponsor


    Sponsor a night, or day, of socialization for the up-and-coming designers, specifiers, and project managers for architecture in East Tennessee!

    $500.00 Add to cart
  • Tri-Cities Social Hour Sponsor


    Sponsor a Social Hour event for emerging professionals in the Tri-Cities Area! Your logo and event sponsorship will be highlighted in promotional materials and at the event. We will work with you on a date and location.

    $200.00 Add to cart
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